Hey Fam, it’s been 3 years since I dropped my Zaddy Beard and it’s one of my highest downloaded pieces of cc to date! So I’m here to share my second version of it that I’m sure your sim fellas will enjoy! All … 🧔🏾 Beardz N1 🧔🏾 Hey my loves! In trying new things, I also thought I'd try making my own beards, since I know it's hard to come across some good beards for black men! Again, for a first try (like the Browz), I am … This is a collection of sims beard and facial hair for your male sims that feature varying lengths, styles, and swatches. com/document/d/1PRD圓B9jCzqIzizC2TttzVDzsf5 … Open me ♡Thankssss for watching! don't forget to subscribe to my channel If you want to support me : Sims 4 / Kids Bedroom. or save 16% if you pay annually - Access To Every Piece Of CC I Upload - Tutorials - Exclusive Insite On Every WIP. Subscribe -Like -Comment Link Tree Here … Sims 4 cc beards. Minimalist tattoo CC by SnootySims This tattoo set is pretty chill, introducing 3 minimalist tattoos for your male and female Sims.

As always download at your own risk and I take no credit for the CC all credit goes to their proper CC creators ️.