After the talk the chairman, while not summarizing what the speaker just said, will make a brief expression of appreciation for the instruction. He will introduce the speaker and state the subject of his discourse. The chairman (or perhaps another qualified brother assigned in advance) will open the meeting with prayer. He will warmly welcome all in attendance and invite them to join in singing the opening song selected by the speaker. In like manner, the Public Meeting will be called to order by a chairman. The brother with the Service Meeting part is the one who should call for the song that opens the Service Meeting. The songs assigned are considered part of the unified whole of the meeting and should thus be introduced by the brother conducting the meeting rather than by the chairman of the preceding meeting.įor example, the Theocratic Ministry School overseer will welcome the audience, introduce the opening song, conduct the school, and then invite the first speaker of the Service Meeting to the platform. Likewise, song numbers for the weekly Watchtower Study are found on page 2 of each issue of The Watchtower. Opening and closing songs for each week’s Service Meeting are indicated on page 2 of Our Kingdom Ministry.

Opening song selections for each week of the Theocratic Ministry School are listed in the Theocratic Ministry School Schedule that constitutes the October Our Kingdom Ministry insert. ◼ How should the opening song of the Theocratic Ministry School, the Service Meeting, the Public Meeting, and the Watchtower Study be introduced, and by whom?